Government Acquisitions, Inc. (GAI) is an experienced, award-winning, value-added reseller, bringing over 30 years of dedication to Federal mission success, and a performance culture to power real innovation. Changing course on a dime? No problem. GAI is dedicated to empowering Federal missions with new efficiencies and agility. Protecting citizens. Supporting critical infrastructure. Delivering cutting-edge research and development.
GAI is a HUBZone certified
Small Business Solutions Provider
ML2 CMMI Appraised
We Deliver
The nation’s largest provider of service dogs for disabled American veterans.
K-9s For Warriors is dedicated to providing service canines to our Warriors suffering from Post-traumatic Stress Disability, traumatic brain injury, and/or military sexual trauma as a result of military service post-9/11. Our goal is to empower them to return to civilian life with dignity and independence. We are the nation’s largest provider of service dogs for disabled American veterans. K-9s For Warriors strives to provide veterans a community of acceptance, love, and encouragement. The service dogs are rescued, trained, and matched with a veteran for a successful partnership. These dogs provide support, security, and hope for the warriors, and this program gives both the veterans and service dogs a new definition of home.
Awards and Recognitions